What's a storyboard?
It's a visual representation of the main scenes of your video in the form of sketches and descriptions.
It's used to preview the video output, structure the narrative, plan the different shots, define the various framings of the shots, camera movements, transitions...
Pitchy in a few words: +1,000 clients & +1,000,000 video projects
"So the main reason we chose the Pitchy solution was to be autonomous. We have control over our budget and time. Furthermore, there’s a vast array of templates and videos available within the same user-friendly tool."
Anne-Claire Leguennec, Training Partner at AXA

"When I show a video made with Pitchy, people ask me: "Which agency did this?""
Romain Rosset, Astore International Marketing / Communication & CRM Manager
"What we liked was the idea of making our communications lively, and being impactful in less than 1 minute with the employees. It's important for them to have a quick understanding of the ongoing project."
Carine Adamoff, Business Development Manager at BNP PARIBAS